Pradeep Pathak

Install Fish shell and Oh My Fish in Ubuntu 20.04

TODO: write an introduction

Install Fish Shell

To install latest Fish shell on ubuntu, open the terminal and run:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fish-shell/release-3
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fish

And That’s all you need to do to install fish shell. But wait, there’s more..

Make Fish shell your default shell

In a terminal run:

chsh -s $(which fish)

to make fish shell default shell for your user.

With fish shell you’d also want to install Oh My Fish, which is just as easy to install:

curl | fish

After installing Oh My Fish you can now install a theme for your fish shell. For example if you want to install agnoster, you can install that by running:

omf install agnoster

Add some configuration (optional)

~/.config/fish/ is the Fish shell’s equivalent of ~/.bashrc. This is how my looks like:

set -g -x fish_greeting ''

alias la 'ls -A'
alias cd.. 'cd ..'
alias c 'clear'
alias v. 'vim .'
alias nvim. 'nvim .'
alias code. 'code . --disable-gpu && exit'

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