TODO: write an introduction
Install Fish Shell
To install latest Fish shell on ubuntu, open the terminal and run:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fish-shell/release-3
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fish
And That’s all you need to do to install fish shell. But wait, there’s more..
Make Fish shell your default shell
In a terminal run:
chsh -s $(which fish)
to make fish shell default shell for your user.
Install Oh My Fish (recommended)
With fish shell you’d also want to install Oh My Fish, which is just as easy to install:
curl | fish
After installing Oh My Fish you can now install a theme for your fish shell. For example if you want to install agnoster, you can install that by running:
omf install agnoster
Add some configuration (optional)
~/.config/fish/ is the Fish shell’s equivalent of ~/.bashrc. This is how my looks like:
set -g -x fish_greeting ''
alias la 'ls -A'
alias cd.. 'cd ..'
alias c 'clear'
alias v. 'vim .'
alias nvim. 'nvim .'
alias code. 'code . --disable-gpu && exit'
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