Install ZSH
sudo apt-get install zsh
This command will install ZSH on your computer. Now let’s add some plugins to ZSH. We’re not going to be using Oh My ZSH because it’s bloated. Instead we’re going to use Zap.
Install Zap
To install Zap in ZSH run:
zsh <(curl -s
Now let’s install some must-have plugins. Open up .zshrc in Vim or any editor and paste these lines:
plug "zap-zsh/zap-prompt"
plug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
plug "zap-zsh/completions"
plug 'zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions'
plug 'zap-zsh/supercharge'
plug "zap-zsh/vim"
That’s it. After completing all those steps your Zsh prompt should look like this: